The Forge

Open-Source Cross-Platform Rendering Framework

Our ingenious framework can be used to produce rendering layers for custom next-gen game engines and provides building blocks for writing your own game engine quickly.


  • Asynchronous resource loading with a task-based system
  • Lua scripting system for loading models and textures and animating camera
  • Animation system with skinning and optimized/vectorized math
  • Consistent math library with NEON intrinsics for mobile platforms
  • Modified and integrated version of Assimp for loading art assets
  • Consistent memory management on both GPU and CPU
  • Cross-platform abstracted input system for mobile, console and desktop
  • Fast Entity Component System based on our internally developed ECS
  • UI system with dedicated unit test—extended for touch input devices
  • Cross-platform audio system for mobile, console and desktop
  • Various implementations of high-end graphics effects

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